Traversing syntax trees

When working with syntax trees (such as in a type theory interpreter) you often want to apply some operation to all subtrees of a node, or to all nodes of a certain type. Of course you can do this easily by writing a recursive function. But then you would need to have a case for every constructor, and there can be many constructors.

Instead of writing a big recursive function for each operation, it is often easier to use a traversal function. Which is what this post is about. In particular, I will describe my favorite way to handle such traversal, in the hope that it is useful to others as well.

As a running example we will use the following data type, which represents expressions in a simple lambda calculus

-- Lambda calculus with de Bruijn indices
data Exp
  = Var !Int
  | Lam Exp
  | App Exp Exp
  | Global String
  deriving Show
example1 :: Exp example1 = Lam $ Var 0 -- The identity function
example2 :: Exp example2 = Lam $ Lam $ Var 1 -- The const function
example3 :: Exp example3 = Lam $ Lam $ Lam $ App (Var 2) (App (Var 1) (Var 0)) -- Function composition

Now, what do I mean by a traversal function? The base library comes with the Traversable class, but that doesn't quite fit our purposes, because that class is designed for containers that can contain any type a. But expressions can only contain other sub-expressions. Instead we need a monomorphic variant of traverse for our expression type:

traverseExp :: Applicative f => (Exp -> f Exp) -> (Exp -> f Exp)

The idea is that traverseExp applies a given function to all direct children of an expression.

The uniplate package defines a similar function, descendM. But it has two problems: 1) descendM has a Monad constraint instead of Applicative, and 2) the class actually requires you to implement a uniplate method, which is more annoying to do.

The ever intimidating lens package has a closer match in plate. But aside from the terrible name, that function also lacks a way to keep track of bound variables.

For a language with binders, like the lambda calculus, many operations need to know which variables are bound. In particular, when working with de Bruijn indices, it is necessary to keep track of the number of bound variables. To do that we define

type Depth = Int
-- Traverse over immediate children, with depth
traverseExpD :: Applicative f => (Depth -> Exp -> f Exp) -> (Depth -> Exp -> f Exp)
traverseExpD _ _ (Var i)    = pure (Var i)
traverseExpD f d (Lam x)    = Lam <$> f (d+1) x
traverseExpD f d (App x y)  = App <$> f d x <*> f d y
traverseExpD _ _ (Global x) = pure (Global x)

Once we have written this function, other traversals can be defined in terms of traverseExpD

-- Traverse over immediate children
traverseExp :: Applicative f => (Exp -> f Exp) -> (Exp -> f Exp)
traverseExp f = traverseExpD (const f) 0

And map and fold are just traversals with a specific applicative functor, Identity and Const a respectively. Recent versions of GHC are smart enough to know that it is safe to coerce from a traversal function to a mapping or folding one.

-- Map over immediate children, with depth
mapExpD :: (Depth -> Exp -> Exp) -> (Depth -> Exp -> Exp)
mapExpD = coerce (traverseExpD :: (Depth -> Exp -> Identity Exp) -> (Depth -> Exp -> Identity Exp))
-- Map over immediate children mapExp :: (Exp -> Exp) -> (Exp -> Exp) mapExp = coerce (traverseExp :: (Exp -> Identity Exp) -> (Exp -> Identity Exp))
-- Fold over immediate children, with depth foldExpD :: forall a. Monoid a => (Depth -> Exp -> a) -> (Depth -> Exp -> a) foldExpD = coerce (traverseExpD :: (Depth -> Exp -> Const a Exp) -> (Depth -> Exp -> Const a Exp))
-- Fold over immediate children foldExp :: forall a. Monoid a => (Exp -> a) -> (Exp -> a) foldExp = coerce (traverseExp :: (Exp -> Const a Exp) -> (Exp -> Const a Exp))

After doing all this work, it is easy to answer questions like "how often is a variable used?"

varCount :: Depth -> Exp -> Sum Int
varCount i (Var j)
  | i == j   = Sum 1
varCount i x = foldExpD varCount i x

or "what is the set of all free variables?"

freeVars :: Depth -> Exp -> Set Int
freeVars d (Var i)
  | i < d     = Set.empty             -- bound variable
  | otherwise = Set.singleton (i - d) -- free variable
freeVars d x = foldExpD freeVars d x

Or to perform (silly) operations like changing all globals to lower case

lowerCase :: Exp -> Exp
lowerCase (Global x) = Global (map toLower x)
lowerCase x = mapExp lowerCase x

These functions follows a common pattern of specifying how a particular constructor, in this case Var or Global, is handled, while for all other constructors traversing over the child expressions.

As another example, consider substitution, a very important operation on syntax trees. In its most general form, we can combine substitution with raising expressions to a larger context (also called weakening). And we should also consider leaving the innermost, bound, variables alone. This means that there are three possibilities for what to do with a variable.

substRaiseByAt :: [Exp] -> Int -> Depth -> Exp -> Exp
substRaiseByAt ss r d (Var i)
  | i < d           = Var i -- A bound variable, leave it alone
  | i-d < length ss = raiseBy d (ss !! (i-d)) -- substitution
  | otherwise       = Var (i - length ss + r) -- free variable, raising
substRaiseByAt ss r d x = mapExpD (substRaiseByAt ss r) d x

Similarly to varCount, we use mapExpD to handle all constructors besides variables. Plain substitution and raising are just special cases.

-- Substitute the first few free variables, weaken the rest
substRaiseBy :: [Exp] -> Int -> Exp -> Exp
substRaiseBy ss r = substRaiseByAt ss r 0
raiseBy :: Int -> Exp -> Exp raiseBy r = substRaiseBy [] r
subst :: [Exp] -> Exp -> Exp subst ss = substRaiseBy ss 0
λ> raiseBy 2 (App (Var 1) (Var 2))
App (Var 3) (Var 4)
λ> subst [Global "x"] (App (Var 0) (Lam (Var 0))) App (Global "x") (Lam (Var 0))
λ> substRaiseBy [App (Global "x") (Var 0)] 2 $ App (Lam (App (Var 1) (Var 0))) (Var 2) App (Lam (App (App (Global "x") (Var 1)) (Var 0))) (Var 3)

As a slight generalization, it can also make sense to put traverseExpD into a type class. That way we can traverse over the subexpressions inside other data types. For instance, if the language uses a separate data type for case alternatives, we might write

data Exp
  = ...
  | Case [Alt]
data Alt = Alt Pat Exp
class TraverseExp a where traverseExpD :: Applicative f => (Depth -> Exp -> f Exp) -> (Depth -> a -> f a)
instance TraverseExp a => TraverseExp [a] where traverseExpD f d = traverse (traverseExpD f d)
instance TraverseExp Exp where traverseExpD f d ... traverseExpD f d (Case xs) = Case <$> traverseExpD f d xs
instance TraverseExp Alt where traverseExpD f d (Alt x y) = Alt x <$> traverseExpD f (d + varsBoundByPat x) y

Another variation is to track other things besides the number of bound variables. For example we might track the names and types of bound variables for better error messages. And with a type class it is possible to track different aspects of bindings as needed,

class Env env where
  extend :: VarBinding -> env -> env
instance Env Depth where extend _ = (+1)
instance Env [VarBinding] where extend = (:)
instance Env () where extend _ _ = ()
traverseExpEnv :: Applicative f => (env -> Exp -> f Exp) -> (env -> Exp -> f Exp) traverseExpEnv f env (Lam name x) = Lam <$> f (extend name env) x traverseExpEnv f env ...

Overall, I have found that after writing traverseExpD once, I rarely have to look at all constructors again. I can just handle the default cases by traversing the children.

A nice thing about this pattern is that it is very efficient. The traverseExpD function is not recursive, which means that the compiler can inline it. So after optimization, a function like lowerCase or varCount is exactly what you would have written by hand.


James AshwellDate: 2018-08-20T08:42Zx

I've found a lot of use in (unlawful) traversals like this:

-- free :: Traversal  Exp Exp  String Exp
free :: Applicative f => (String -> f Exp) -> (Exp -> f Exp)

(Bound variables are untouched) where

data Exp
 = Var String
 | Lam String Exp
 | ...

This also works if you do the type encoding where Lam :: Exp (Maybe a) -> Exp a and gives you an easy way of implementing functor, foldable, traversable, and monad. (I.e. free :: Traversal (Exp a) (Exp b) a (Exp b))

Huw CampbellDate: 2020-02-25T04:39Zx

Thanks for this, I've found it extremely useful.

I wanted to point out that for readers who aren't happy using coerce; but are with a lens dependency:

foldExp :: forall a. Monoid a => (Exp -> a) -> (Exp -> a)
foldExp = foldMapOf traverseExp
mapExp :: (Exp -> Exp) -> (Exp -> Exp) mapExp = over traverseExp

For optimisation passes, I found it very useful to bind multiple transformations together and use them under a single `transformMOf` from plated.


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